How To Improve Your Air Quality

How To Improve Your Air Quality

When you live in a polluted city, you may feel the effects of air pollution on your health over time. Air pollution is a huge issue in cities, especially if you live on a street that has a high amount of traffic. Studies have shown that air pollution can cause heart problems, lung problems, and even cancer. In order to protect yourself from these health risks, it’s important to take precautions inside and outside of your home.

Use an Air Filter

It helps to have a good air filter and take proper care of it. Not only should you check the filter regularly to see when you should change it, but you should keep it well-oiled. It's easy to find a reputable lubricant supplier VA online that can help you with this. By keeping your filter in good condition, you can ensure that it works the way it should.

Limit Air Conditioning

Another way you can improve your air quality is by disabling your air conditioner when you’re not using it. By doing this, you can reduce the amount of pollution that’s released into the air. Additionally, this may help your air conditioner last for a longer amount of time.

Limit Driving

One of the leading causes of air pollution in cities is exhaust fumes from cars, which can easily get through your windows. While you can't control other drivers on your street, you can do your part to lessen the pollution by driving less. Whenever you can, ride your bike or take public transportation to get around. Not only will this help the environment, but it can save you money on gas, battery life, and car repairs.

You should never overlook air quality, especially if you're living in a major city. By following the steps laid out in this post, you can improve your health and quality of life.