Caring for balcony flowers in summer

Caring for balcony flowers in summer

If you love lush greenery and flowers, you don't have to do without them as a balcony owner. But plants that grow in pots, tubs, and boxes require slightly different care than plants in the garden bed. For example, correct watering and fertilization are crucial. Soil expert Floragard has a few tips.

When summer gets hot and dry again, plants may suffer - especially those that only grow in window boxes and don't get enough water. Frequent watering is the order of the day, ideally even more than just in the morning and evening. We recommend boxes with a water reservoir if you can't afford that. The storage tank is separated from the potting soil to prevent waterlogging. The plant roots get water in small doses via a kind of wick. The water should not be too cold so that the roots do not get a chilly shock when watering.

Don't forget to fertilize.

The soil in the often small balcony boxes and tubs has very little storage space for nutrients. Therefore, a few weeks after planting, everything from the pre-fertilized potting soil is usually used up. For lush blooms throughout the summer, additional fertilization is required, such as a liquid fertilizer added to the irrigation water once a week or a fertilizer stick that releases its nutrients over a more extended period. Those who do not want to fertilize their weekly task will find their ideal balcony plants in weak consumers, such as lavender, thyme, rosemary, or sage, which smell good and provide bees and butterflies with sufficient food with their flowers. When planting, you should also pay attention to whether the balcony is in full sun or the shade.

balcony flowers

Choose suitable soil.

The use of high-quality potting soil is also noticeable in growth and flowering. For example, the low-peat active balcony and geranium soil from Floragard offers a highly effective combination of starter, long-term, and trace nutrient fertilizers that do not require additional fertilization for six months. The particular soil for repotting geraniums and other balcony plants contains wood fibers for a loose soil structure and green waste compost that microbially invigorates the soil. In addition, it helps to ensure the water supply for the plants, especially in summer. The addition of Aqua plus guarantees easy and quick absorption and distribution of the irrigation water - even after a long dry phase.

Remove faded flowers.

All withered flowers should be removed regularly to ensure that the flowers do not fade. As the flowers wither, they form seeds and use up nutrients that are then lacking for the formation of new flowers. Therefore, it is best to pinch off the withered flowers together with the shoot tips. New buds will then sprout.

balcony flowers

Make rain and windproof.

Heavy rainfall can also affect the plants badly in summer, and large petals quickly become unsightly. A spot on the inside of the railing, possibly under the eaves, offers some shelter. Stable fastening of the boxes helps against strong gusts and summer storms. Plants that have grown taller should also be secured with a cord on the railing. Flower pots on the balcony support each other when placed side by side.