What you should know before you repaint your furniture

What you should know before you repaint your furniture

It's simple to fill your house with personalized furniture with a bucket of paint and a sprinkle of inspiration. But, if the thought of having bespoke furniture in your home appeals to you, there is a way to make it a reality. Refinish your old furniture!

You might be asking why you should repaint antique furniture when you can buy new. Compared to the more inexpensive and modern furniture on the market today, older furniture is built of higher quality materials and may look beautiful with a simple coat of paint.

How do I repaint my furniture?

Begin by sanding it.

repaint your furniture

When preparing to paint a furniture item, all furniture reconditioning tutorials advise that the first step is to sand it. Yes, indeed! Grinding is required. So, before you begin any painting attempts, sand the surfaces with emery. However, take care not to scratch the surface. Attempt to remove the existing coat of paint so that the fresh paint adheres evenly.

Remove any residues.

After sanding, wipe the surface clean using a towel to eliminate any residue. Use a lint-free cloth instead of a paper towel. Select a soft, clean, and dry cotton cloth.

Make use of a primer.

After cleaning the furniture, use a primer, i.e., a primer (for wooden surfaces), so that the paint adheres better and the surfaces are thoroughly coated. Because wood is a porous material, the priming layer will infiltrate the surface of the piece of furniture, providing a solid foundation for the paint. The priming must be applied using a precise brush.

Begin to repaint the furniture.

repaint your furniture

The paint used must be chosen in accordance with the furniture. Depending on the state of the piece of furniture, you may need to apply two or three coats.

If you want to paint wooden furniture, you may use either water-based or oil-based paint, producing a glossy layer. However, if the furniture will be used outside, it is best to use oil-based paint because it is resistant to moisture.

As a paint application tool, a natural hair brush or a dye gun must be used. Those who use paint guns, on the other hand, should paint the furniture outside to avoid damaging the inside of the house. In this instance, the paint is put in numerous thin layers.

Finally, after allowing the paint to settle for a day or two, add a layer of wax or oil. Only in this manner can the furnishings be safeguarded from potential damage.